Unexpected Family
Maggie O’Brien’s life revolves around her dad, her nieces and her career as an interior designer. The last thing she needs to add to the mix is a man. So when her ex, who left ten years ago to marry someone else, shows up unexpectedly, she isn’t prepared to her body’s reaction to him.
Daniel Spencer has returned to NYC to open a law firm with two friends. Once he sees Maggie, he remembers everything he left behind and how she was the only girl he ever really loved. Old feelings rush back and all he wants is to have her back in his life.
Maggie had worked hard to get over Daniel and is determined to not let him into her life again. But when he offers her a job that will help her business get out of the red, she decides she can take on his project and maintain a business relationship. After all, money is money, no matter whom it comes from, and she is a professional.
Persuasion has always been Daniel’s strong point; but when it comes to Maggie, he finds winning her back isn’t going to be as easy as he thought. Still nothing worth fighting for comes easy, and he isn’t about to go silently into the night.